Dressing Rooms Interiors Studio

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The Olive Guide Magazine

I'm so excited to finally share with you today a project I've been working on since July of this year.  Now you know I'm always doing something, but it's always design related!  Many of you may not follow me on instagram (what's up with that?) but I've been using it as my primary social media platform.  Instagram has opened up a new world for me where I can see interior designers, carpet designers, shop owners, painters and photographers that look like me!  Sadly, I can count over the years how many designers of color I've seen in home decor magazines.  It's a lonely feeling to look through page after page, year after year and see no one like you.  No one with a home lovely enough to be featured in print.  That's why instagram, design blogs and the Apartment Therapy's of the world are so important.  They shine light on those that have been left in the dark. 
Ok, so this leads me to my point and purpose.  Through instagram I've made many local "insta" friends in real life.  Quintel Gwinn and I hit if off immediately!  You will learn more about her later.  She was so warm and supportive and I couldn't be happier to partner with her on this project.  One day we had lunch and lunch turned into dinner and dinner turned into a digital magazine with a global perspective.