Chairish Style Board Challenge
I was so excited to be selected by Chairish (an exclusive, curator approved, online marketplace for vintage and used furniture) to share my taste for color by creating a style board around a vintage rug and taking a room from white to bright!
Here are the rugs I had to choose from, all excellent choices:
View Chairish's entire collection of rugs here
While I love black and white I equally love color, so I went with this Grass Green Abrash Turkish Rug!
Grass Green Abrash Turkish Rug
If you have never put together a design board from scratch it's a daunting process. While it sounds fun and the possibilities are endless, its the endless possibilities that are daunting. Having so many items to choose from can be overwhelming. Do you know how many fly pieces I come across on a daily basis? I decided to keep things simple and shop 90% of my items from Chairish. I wanted to show readers/shoppers how to pull together a space from one site with varied and unique items. It also helps if you have a client in mind, "who lives in this space?" Here are my client specs:
Single, female 30-something living in a metropolitan city;
Loves color, vintage, graphic pattern;
Style: Global Chic Meets Glam;
Occupation: Co-founder of an interior design magazine (wink).